
Roisin Murphy

I love listening to Roisin when I need a boost and can watch this video again and again! 

Great moves!

laura x


In the Studio

I have been busy making some new handbags with 

beautiful embroidery
beautiful linings

The wrong side is beautiful too

laura x



ixxi is a cool modular connecting system, that uses x’s and I’s to connect squares together that are printed with your own personal photo/s or one from their image bank.

Wow.. the possibilities!!

I like the enlargement ones with a different colour on each square the best!

How cool would this be for a little boy’s room!

Or a collage of all your favourite pictures!

 laura x


High Style

Last year my boyfriend and I had a few days in New York, we stopped at the museum as I really wanted to see the collection but after days of constant walking my feet were killing me so I opted out for buying the book instead. 

I know poor excuse! I’m kicking myself for it now for the clothing is breathtaking and I could have seen it in person. Damn feet! 

These are some of the highlights that I missed…

laura x


Winter Harvest

A picture of broccoli you say?

Yes, this is a very special broccoli.
The very first one I have ever grown! 

I’m getting used to the idea of being able to grow something in the middle of winter, as this would not happen back home in Canada. 

One of the many perks of living in the land of OZ!

laura x


Vintage Textile

Boys dream of cars… I dream of having a walk in wardrobe full of these beautiful items …

Vintage Textile is one of my favourite places for vintage clothing.

I love the 1920’s and 30’s and anything beaded. They also have a lot of dresses perfect for a wedding!

laura x
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