
Chadwick Tyler

I have been away again house sitting.
I love having friends with great houses that I can escape to for a while!

New York photographer Chadwick Tyler is another of my favourite photographers (see Thorns post)
And I just can't get enough of his work.

His bio says that his images represent young women longing for release from the mundane. 

Here are a few of my favorites..



laura x


Karen Elson

Did you know Karen Elson 
is not only a model but a singer too? 

She preforms with New York cabaret 
The Citizens Band and now has a single out. 
I quite like the song and will be buying the album that's out next month. 

It must be nice to be so multi-talented! I would love to be able to sing! I have the ability to hear it in my head and it sounds great but when it comes out of my mouth it's a whole other story! 

I'm karaoke's worst nightmare!

laura x
(singer wantabe)



I have always wanted to own my own house and have some feature walls covered in really cool wallpaper! Well this is who I'm buying it from... 
Eskayel - Bespoke Wallpaper. 
They are located in Brooklyn, and strive to create, beautiful, clever and innovative wall coverings.  Each design is extracted from original paintings by artist Shanan Campanaro.

These are a few of my favourite crazy fun prints...

laura x



All the little pieces of leather left over from making 
mina + oli bags are starting to pile up. 

What to do?? 

Make lovely bows of course!

I took these pics with my boyfriend's shiny new 
Canon EOS 1000 camera! 
He is so nice to let me use it too. I'm still learning how how it works, so better pics to come!

laura x


The Other Sarah Moon

So while looking up my new Sara Moon print
(last post) I discovered Sarah Moon the photographer, who takes amazingly beautiful photos. 
She has some books out called
Sarah Moon: Coincidences and Sarah Moon 12345. Definitely on my wish list!

laura x


Sara Moon

I found a Sara Moon print while out op shopping and loved it's 20's look. I have seen Sara Moon prints before. Mainly on the walls of vintage stores, but never really knew the story behind them. 
I started asking around to see if any one else knew of Miss Sara and nothing! 
So I did what I always do when I don't know something... I googled! 
And turns out the illustrations are done by a Persian man named Bijan who lives in Germany. He started Sara Moon in 1976 and has quite a large fan base. 
Check out the official site here.

This is the one I found 

laura x

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